On Adventures...

The sheer prospect of an adventure is what sets my soul on fire and truly keeps me alive and filled with purpose. Purpose is the lifeblood of our souls. It keeps us going, and motivated and gives us the drive to move forward. 

The best adventures are the ones that are unplanned or the ones we don't look forward to. It's a joy and a privilege to be free and capable in every aspect. It's something that should be appreciated endlessly, and never be taken for granted.

People who can meet and match us on the spectrum of exotic adventures are the best - and a gift from God. May we all be on the receiving end of such a partnership and the wonderment it brings.


  1. Oh I couldn't agree more even though I'm biased.... Where would be be without purpose? Who would we be? Where would we be without spontaneity? I'll tell you where. On a couch munching a bag of potato chips, is where.

    So good to hear your voice again. As Elsie said, you have a powerful voice. All I need to do is motivate you, create a little spark.


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