On Enduring Friendships...

I'm always making fun of the male species but to be completely honest, some of my best friends and confidants are men. Some have been around for years since my blogger and early Facebook days and others have been around for decades - way back, from my school-loathing days. They're the ones I go to for advice, when I need to think clearly, or just to vent.

But most of the time, we just catch up on this thing called Life. The conversations are always honest, insightful, heartfelt and funny, and leave me in a better place - grateful that God has allowed these people into my life. Their presence reminds me somewhat of this structure "The Treasury", in Petra... solid, perennial, unwavering, enduring. (There are women too, from those same days: School, Uni, London, Blog, FB). You all know who you are. 

It's wonderful to be able to share our lives with people from all over the world, at varying intervals. It's what truly connects and binds us - weaving the thread in this tapestry called Life. It's the very essence of what makes it worth being human.


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